United Way of Central Jersey supports and celebrates our community's diverse population with a variety of programs and initiatives that help all members of our community succeed.
Did you know? Middlesex County is the “Crossroads of the World”
Over 20% of Middlesex county's population is Latinx, and almost 25% is Asian. Over 33% of our population hails from foreign countries, and almost 50% of our residents speak another language aside from English at home.
Immigration Committee
UWCJ's Immigration Committee brings community awareness and promotes advocacy to eradicate problems faced by many immigrants such as unlawful detention, deportation, language barriers, family separation, financial instability, and food insecurity.
Programs and Resources
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) provides year-round, free tax preparation for income-eligible residents, including ITIN holders.
The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) provides first-time, expecting mothers with free parenting coaching and support services through a regular schedule of at-home visits from trained nurses.
Family Advocate
UWCJ's Family Advocate in Jamesburg helps pre-k parents and other community residents find support services and resources, including immigration and legal assistance.